Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Robert Reich spills the beans: President Obama's "Health Care 'REFORM'' pledge, is BOGUS, without the Option of GOVERNMENT FUNDED INSURANCE...

Robert Reich may be one of the most "liberal" nationally known players in the Democrat Party - he was SECRETARY of LABOR for a short while in the Clinton administration in the early 1990s - but he is far from a radical fire-brand protest-advocating revolutionary.
Indeed, here's Mr. Reich from this past Sunday, commisserating with uber "inside Washington" entitled corporate media multi-millionaire talking-heads Sam Donaldson, George Will, Cokie Roberts, and George Stephanopolous,
Mr. Reich only using the most mild of terms to chide George Will on his (Will's) right-wing Economic fallacies, and none of the assembled bunch ADVOCATES ONE DAMN THING to help the 500,000 MOST RECENTLY UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS - from this PAST MONTH, alone! - even though of course FAILED, FRAUDULENT, ARROGANT BANKERS have received TENS upon HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of TAXPAYER ("socialized") dollars "bailouts" to KEEP THEIR FAILED, Wall Street entitled asses OUT of BANKRUPTCY.

But in the below comments, Mr. Reich SPILLS THE BEANS: the OBAMA WHITE HOUSE, in REFUSING to even MENTION _GOVERNMENT FUNDED HEALTH-CARE OPTIONS_ as even a NEGOTIATING CHIP to FORCE insurers and HMOs to act more competitively - is therefore ALIGNED WITH exactly the Insurers and providers that Americans are BEGGING for "CHANGE" From !!
Obama, where's the pressure on health insurers?
If the president's healthcare reforms don't include the option of government-funded insurance, there's NO REASON to think the private firms will really change their behavior.
By Robert Reich

May 12, 2009

| The only troubling thing about the President's statements today concerning health care reform was what he did not say: that he wanted any health plan that emerges from Congress to include a public insurance option for Americans who do not want to buy private insurance. But without this option, there will be no pressure on private insurers to adopt all the other reforms to control costs or give all Americans access to affordable care.

Every other reform proposal announced to date -- electronic medical records, comparative effectiveness research, prevention of chronic disease, payments for services rather than for outcomes, and so on -- has been talked about for years. THE REASON NONE HAVE BEEN ADOPTED is HEALTH PROVIDERS and INSURERS CAN MAKE MORE MONEY [from DESPERATE patients/consumers] WITHOUT THEM.
_ONLY_ with a GOVERNMENT PLAN that COMPETES with private insurers, and offers Americans lower costs if the providers and insurers fail to reform themselves, will the system be GENUINELY REFORMED.
(continued at) - http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2009/05/12/healthcare/
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Reich goes on to note President Obama's "FAILURE to mention a PUBLIC INSURANCE OPTION" - but could only "HOPE" that Obama's oversight WAS AN ACCIDENT... and (therefore) NOT PRE-MEDITATED TREACHERY, __TALKING__ about "Health Care 'REFORM'," while KNOWNING that he (Obama) was DOING NOTHING MEANINGFUL to make it happen, i.e. a PURE, PROPAGANDA, DISINFORMATION PR blitz, in league with the very insurancy industry and HMO's Americans have been BEGGING, PROTESTING, and PLEADING for "change" from!

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